Nursing is a healthcare profession focused on care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life from conception to death.
There is a great future in the field of health services. We believe that, “HELPING PEOPLE IS HELPING GOD”. With the global concept of professionals’ services, we aim to create Indian professionals to cater to growing demands of nursing in the field of patients care with subtle Indian nuances. It will be the blend of global professionalism and competence with the Indian tradition of care and concern. Today the health care industry is the world’s largest employer. India is fast emerging as an important health tourism and business destination globally. To support the change the hospital services need to grow. This has developed pressure on the health care institutes to cater to the growing demand for quality skilled professionals.
This is the best opportunity for empowering women as well as men. Educating and empowering women means educating and empowering the entire family. Here in Sumantai Wasnik Institute of Nursing we will create the utmost caring, intelligent, hardworking nursing community.